What Happens When a Stubborn Client FINALLY Focuses?

Feb 04, 2023

Read time: 90 seconds

Will I run out of ways to reinforce how impactful narrowing your focus is?

In recent months I've tried...

Today I want to introduce you to Cameron.

When we met, they were stubbornly against niching. And I get it. They're a creative soul bursting with ideas, the last thing they wanted was to be put in a box where they felt limited or constricted.

Maybe you can relate.

They didn't just push back against the notion in our sessions, they would forward me posts from other coaches who said you don't need to niche. I find it ironic when business coaches say this because this is them speaking to a precise pain point they know you have: the difficulty of figuring out what the heck your niche is.

And they're able to talk to this specific challenge you're experiencing because THEY HAVE a defined niche. 😂

Of course, you don't have to niche. You don't have to do anything.

But if you'd like to...

  • Create content with ease.
  • Feel like + actually be seen as an expert.
  • Make others feel deeply understood with your message.
  • And have people enrolling with you without doing "hard sales".

...I'd invite you to consider getting damn clear on who you're specifically serving and what you're helping those people with.

Do you know what happened to my lovingly stubborn client, Cameron?

They've ended up carving out one of the most unique niches of any client I've previously had. And since they've started serving this distinct group, they've grown from 2000 to over 7000 followers on Tik Tok, had hundreds of people sign up for their newsletter, and started enrolling clients into their new offers.

I got these messages from them on Thursday night.


And if you're like Cameron, you don't even need to call it a niche to enjoy its full benefits.

I'll see you next week.

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