Big News I Haven't Shared
Dec 14, 2024
(and what I'm doing to grow in 2025) Here's 5 things I'm doing more of in 2025 to grow my impact + my revenue. Including.... A big milestone that I haven't yet shared anywhere.
1. Talking About the Big TabooI've written about it before. Including six moments that drastically changed my relationship with money. Money is a tool and money provides freedom. Unfortunately, a lot of us were taught not to talk about money. And many people don't have the freedom they want because of the amount of money they're making. It's really hard to change how much money you're making AND KEEPING, if you avoid the topic. I want to be a part of changing the stigma around money. So I'm going to start talking more openly about it. This includes how much I'm making, money beliefs I'm actively re-writing, and what I'm learning along the way. With this in mind, I'll be making a bold declaration in the coming weeks.
2. Creating My Own Intellectual PropertyThere's two ways you can stand out in a world with tens of millions of other coaches. You can tap into your individual uniqueness as a person. Or you can have your own unique mechanism that helps people get results. Want to have zero competition? Where you're seen as the only choice to Dream Clients you're excited to serve? Combine Both. Couple your uniqueness as an individual with your own unique tools + frameworks. I've created several of my own unique mechanism, including:
Notice anything different about the last one? It's an officially registered trademark. I received the confirmation a couple months ago but have been too busy to celebrate it. Expect me to create more proprietary tools in 2025.
3. Making My Tools + Frameworks Easily AvailableI'm going to start making my frameworks + tools available for purchase. Without having to sign-up for my bigger mentorship programs. So that people who are earlier in their journey, can get what they need to start creating momentum. This is going to include the ability for you to join the private deep dive workshops I do in the Growth Habit community as a guest.
4. Showing Up on VideoVideo is a rich form of communication. People see you, hear you, and get a sense of your vibe. Watching you on video accelerates the feeling of getting to know you. And there's a magic little window of opportunity with video right now. AI ruined a lot of written content in 2024. Our feeds are now full of ChatGPT written garbage. People who would otherwise not have an online presence are now pumping out bland bullsh!t. Those people can't do video.....yet. The video AI tools to clone yourself are still a bit clunky. But this won't last long. You have a unique opportunity right now to show up on video before the flood. Because soon... Every second schmo with a LinkedIn or Instagram account will have an AI video avatar of themselves sharing "Top 10 tips".
5. Collaborating with Dope PeepsCollaborating with others is a great way to get you + your message in front of new people. You can formally collaborate with folks by creating something together. You can also do it by sending each other referrals. But you can collaborate in less formal ways, too. Such as supporting each other's content online or by being a guest on each other's podcast or livestream. I've been on 90+ podcasts + livestreams in the last few years. But I've only hosted four. That's going to change. I'm launching a podcast series in January that'll be live streamed on LinkedIn + repurposed elsewhere. What are you intentionally doing more of in 2025 to grow your impact + your business? -R Btw - I'm giving away the first 10 minutes of the Your Next 3 Clients Workshop. It walks you through my Rocketship Method™ Framework. |
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