She Went From Doubt to Signing a HUGE Client
Jun 29, 2024Today, I'm going to introduce you to Lydia and her incredible journey.
12 months ago she was working a draining job.
11 months ago she left that role to focus full-time on building her coaching business and joined one of my programs.
6 months ago she only had 1:1 coaching clients and didn't believe she could attract companies as clients (or that was able to lead paid trainings + workshops).
This week, I got this message below. She's signed her largest client yet. A massive multi-billion dollar international brand (that you would absolutely know). They originally connected with her from a piece of content on LInkedIn. And they've now hired her for a high-ticket multi-workshop series with their leadership team.
How did she get here and what can you learn from it?
1. Get Freaking Specific
Lydia got crystal clear on who her dream clients are: Managers that want to excel but are lacking the tools + support to feel confident in their roles. The people she's meant to serve want to be good leaders and crave clear cut actionable guidance they can immediately put to use. They're also OK with a bit of swearing.
If you want to....
- Create content with ease.
- Feel like + actually be seen as an expert.
- Make others feel deeply understood by your message.
- Have people signing up with you without doing "hard sales".
You need to get really freaking specific about who you serve.
2. Be Insanely Consistent
If you read her last 100 posts, 91 of them are her saying the same damn thing over and over again in different ways. What is she repeating? Here's why being a manager is f*cking hard + here's things you can do to make it suck less.
People need to hear your message multiple times for it to really stick.
The truth? You'll get sick of your message waaaaay before your audience does. And most people in your orbit aren't seeing most of your content.
So you have to keep repeating yourself.
The more creative of a person you are, the harder this can be for you to do. Why? Talking about the same thing for months gets boring.
But there's an upside to your creativity.
You can channel it into finding creative new ways to keep saying the same darn thing. That's where the magic is. What do I find myself needing to say over and over again in new ways?
The insane impact of narrowing the focus of what you do + for who.
3. Invest in Yourself
As Lydia was wrapping up her time in my Impact Accelerator program last month, she shared that she was grateful for having invested in her growth so early in her journey. "I've given myself this gift. To go through this program with you and other people in the community has been the best gift."
She also had a big realization...
"There's a lot of people further in their journey that still don't know. They don't know who they're talking to or who their niche is. I'm at a stage where I've narrowed in on something that I'm good at and I know exactly who I'm talking to."
4. Listen to the Market + Iterate
She thought she was solely going to focus on 1:1 clients.
That's what she believe when she started this journey, and her first clients were all 1:1 coaching clients. Then something unexpected started happening. Once she was consistently putting her message out there, people begin reaching out to ask her if she offered workshops or did training for internal teams?
But Lydia struggled to believe that she could do this.
She had not done this before. Who was she to lead workshops + training sessions? So we shed a big light on her fear so it wouldn't fester in the dark.
I coached her through the steps forward.
And as the inquiries from companies kept pilling up, we helped Lydia begin to change her identity. To start seeing + believing that she IS someone that can not only attract companies as clients but can confidently deliver what they need.
5. Understand the Journey + Make It Intentional
There are stages that someone has to move through to become a client. When you know what they are, you can create an intentional journey and predictively move someone from stranger to client. My Rocketship Method breaks down the exact daily, weekly, and monthly steps you need to take to predictively grow your business + impact.
And Lydia put my Rocketship Method to practice.
See you next Saturday.
(It's a special edition!)
P.S. Next week is the 100th issue of the Weekly Growth Habit so I've got a special gift ONLY for the awesome people on this newsletter (that's you). The gift has a live component that will expire at 10am Eastern time on Saturday July 6th. So make sure to open next week's edition as soon as it hits your inbox at 8am Eastern Time next Saturday.
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