One Small Change = An Inbound Inquiry (5 Launch Lessons)

Oct 28, 2023

I'm wrapping up a big push where I put out loads of content, sponsored someone else's newsletter for the first time, and hosted a workshop that got 171 sign-ups.

Here's 5 takeaways from this launch.

1. You Attract What You Put Out

Part of my content mix with this launch included using odd AI generated pictures of me. One of them was a funny boxing image. While I do kickbox, I'd say the picture was actually "off brand" given how serious I looked.

But something interesting happened within a few hours of posting it.

  • I got a connection request from someone flexing big biceps in their profile picture.
  • And received several messages about the image, including this one from someone who signed up to the workshop.

It reminded me that you attract people based on who you are and what you show.

At this point, I've had 10+ clients that don't drink. It's not because I say "I help people who are living alcohol free do X", but because I openly share my story of being sober for almost 10 years.

Show who you are.

The unique things about you that aren't directly related to your work? Don't hide them. They allow people to connect with you on an individual level.

2. Some of the Best Folks Won't Attend Live

And that's OK.

The cool thing about doing something live is the connection that's possible when you're able to interact with people in real-time. But if you're running a live workshop, challenge, or event online, some of the most awesome people won't attend live. Those who are driven tend to be busy.

They've got stuff going on.

Plus, folks are now used to having things on demand. We no longer live in a world where people have to wait until Tuesday evening at 7pm to watch the next episode of their favourite show. They want to binge watch what they want, when they want.

So make the replay available asap.

And give people the ability to skip ahead or watch it at 1.25 speed if they choose. Half of the people who've signed up to the program so far didn't attend the live sessions I ran.

3. Sponsoring the Newsletter Was a Good Move

It was a risk given the price tag.

But it paid off and brought hundreds of kickass new people into my orbit, including Natasha Walstra. She was actually the very first person to sign-up to the workshop.

I messaged her to let her know that I took it as a good omen.

How come? Because of her LinkedIn profile picture. Here's her picture compared to the picture I have in my private community. šŸ˜‚

4. You Can Have People Sign Up to Your Program Without Speaking to You

That's the case for almost everyone who's signed up for the Content That Creates Clients program.

When you give people evidence that you understand their challenges, have what they need to get to their desired destination, and provide proof that your sh!t works, you can enroll people without needing to speak with them 1:1.

And here's a tip:

The best way to have people genuinely believe you can help them solve a problem? Actually help them solve a challenge they're facing. Look at the big transformation you help people achieve, what's the first step they need to get there?

Give that away for free.

5. There's Immediate Action Takers in Every Group

This person below signed up to the program last week, began consuming the lessons, and started taking immediate action. Including, making a change to their LinkedIn profile that led to them getting an inbound inquiry from a Dream Client within a day.

P.S. Haven't watched Content That Creates Clients yet? You can watch the 40-minute workshop here.

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