Never (Ever) Run Out of Story Ideas for Your Content

Jun 10, 2023

Read time: 1 minute

My guess is that you don't need much convincing that stories are memorable. They're a powerful way to create connection between your message and your audience. And using them in your content will leave a lasting impression on those you’re looking to serve.

But where the heck do you get ideas for stories?

Here's a framework you can use to easily brainstorm loads of story ideas: You combine either first/last/best/worst with a noun. You can create a near limitless amount of story seeds this way.

You can use pretty much any noun...

  • Your first relationship/last relationship/best relationship/worst relationship
  • Your first apartment/last apartment/best apartment/worst apartment
  • Your first client/last client/best client/worst client
  • Your first pet/last pet/best pet/worst pet
  • Your first job/last job/best job/worst job

Here's an example of me telling the story of my first French kiss and using it as an analogy for coaching. 

Now go put this framework to use so you can come up with more stories, make you message more memorable, and help more people. 



When you're ready, here's 2 ways I can help you

1. Clarity, Clients, + Confidence WorkshopWant to learn exactly what you need to consistently grow your coaching business with clients you love to serve, without the BS? Check out the free workshop here.

2. Die Before They Do: "It's a work of art! The depth and raw humanity is unparalleled!" and "Must read for anyone on a personal development journey- especially entrepreneurs." Those two of glowing five-star reviews of my book Die Before They Do.


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