Making This Mistake? You’re Scaring Clients Away

Oct 07, 2023

When you're really good at what you do, you know what your clients actually need to get the results they want. And you also know that what they need is often not what they think they need. But if you make the mistake of talking about the wrong one, you'll scare away potential clients, and they won't get the results.

What do I mean?

I was discussing the importance of understanding this difference with a group in my Ignition Switch program. The program promised to help them get clarity on who they’re meant to serve, what problem they’re solving for these people, to dial-in their message, and learn how to create content that attracts Dream Clients. But that's not where we started in the program.


We began with getting them to face fears and become more comfortable showing up as themselves online.

So I asked them: If the program outline talked about overcoming your fears, being more bold online, and sharing things that scared you in your content, would you have signed up? They laughed and said probably not.

What results did they get?

Everyone in that cohort signed new clients during the time we spent together. One of them even went out of their way to refer other people to the program. But none of them would've joined if I had talked about what they needed to get the results they wanted.

Another example?

One of the most impactful programs I've done in my personal growth journey was a three day leadership workshop that promised to "help you uncover what's holding you back and become unstoppable". How would I describe the program after attending? A three day group therapy session where you're brought face-to-face with your biggest fears.

I sometimes jokingly refer to that workshop as "crying with strangers".

And there's no way I would've enrolled if they'd talked about it that way. I would've missed out on one of the biggest transformations of my life. And if I'm being truthful with myself, that means I'd likely still be stuck in a draining job, wouldn't have launched Growth Habit, and wouldn't be writing you this email.

That's crazy.

Whether you're helping leaders collaborate more, supporting candidates in landing dream jobs, or guiding women to find their voice, you know that for there to be any lasting change, they need to do an uncomfortable look inward, to get honest about the crap holding them back, and overcome fears.

If you lead with that in your messaging though, you won't get to help nearly as many people, and they won't get the change they so desperately need.


Free workshop: Content that Creates Clients - I'm hosting a free live workshop to teach you the 3 ingredients you need in your messaging to predictively attract clients you love to serve, the big mistake you might be making with your content that's sending your Dream Clients to your competitors, and 3 post templates you can steal that (almost) guarantee higher engagement. Sign-up here.

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