Get More Engagement on LinkedIn (Even if You Still Have a Small Audience)

Sep 16, 2023

Today, I'm going to show you how to get more engagement on LinkedIn without spending 8 hours a day on the platform.

I'm no big "LinkedIn Influencer" with 100K followers who gets 500+ likes on every post. But I'm closing in on 20K people in my LinkedIn community and it's common for me to get 80-120 likes on a post there. Plus, people often comment about how hyper-engaged my comments section tends to be.

Not only am I grateful as hell for the awesome people that support my noise, my online community is a constant source of awesome referrals.

I got this one yesterday.......


6 Ways to Get More Engagement on LinkedIn 

1. Treat It as a Community + Give Generously

Want likes, comments, shares? Give likes, comments, and shares. Do it daily. I put a timer on and do it for at least 30 mins a day. Even if you do it for only 15 minutes a day consistently, you'll see a crazy difference.

2. Get Into Real Conversations with People 

Both in the DMs + offline. And I don't mean pushing for sales, I'm talking human to human connection. Focus on building actual relationships. Not only will this turn you into more than just a face in a circle to others on the platform, your time on LinkedIn will become more enjoyable as you get to know others.

3. Use Unique Images + GIFs

Written posts with images are currently doing better on LinkeIn than ones without. GIFs can work well, too. Especially if they're either a funny meme that's not overplayed or a custom GIF of you. You can easily make custom GIFs from a short video clip in Canva. Avoid corporate looking stock images at all costs.

4. Intentionally Work on Your Hooks

Top copywriters say you should spend 50% of your time on the first few words of whatever you're sharing because if those don't make people click "read more" or continue watching, nothing you say afterwards matters. That means that if you spent 30 minutes writing a post, you should spend another 30 minutes working on your hook. Does that sound crazy? If so, can you spend five minutes making three alternative hooks before posting it? That's what I normally do.

Want your hooks to do a better job of getting people to stick around for the rest of your message? Create curiosity and open a loop that they need the answer to.

5. Say What No One Else Can

Include your personality, your story, and your strong opinions. And speak from your personal experiences that give you the alignment + authority to serve the people you want to work with. How did you get the expertise you currently have? Talk about that.

6. Be Your Full Fucking Self

The one that you used to hide from LinkedIn because you bit your tongue when you worked for others. You're out of the cage. And there's nothing more refreshing + inspiring than seeing someone being their full IDGAF self.

Now go put these six things to practice and I guarantee that you'll see a big lift in your engagement in a matter of weeks.

P.S. Engagement on its own isn't going to make your business boom, so next week, I'm going to share exactly what you can do to ensure your online community is growing with the right people.

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