From a Loss to $28K Generated

From a Loss to $28K Generated

May 11, 2024


I had a call this week with a client who's coming off a record month of revenue. She's an incredible coach and recently launched a successful group program. But she felt uncertain as she looked ahead.

The main questions on her mind...

What should she focus on next?
How did she want her business model to evolve?
Did she want to continue with her group coaching program?

She was torn.

It would be easy to keep enrolling people into her group program now that it was built in a repeatable way. But she wondered if it was actually worth doing. The program is not the biggest money generator, two 1:1 clients could replace the entire revenue from a cohort in her group program.

So I asked her what other benefits the program created....

  • It's a bridge for people to become 1:1 clients and she believes that one (possibly two) people from the current cohort will become 1:1 clients.

  • The topic covered in the group program is a real differentiator for her because there's nothing like it in the market.

  • Those in the program can become great referral sources.

And here's the thing...

Her clients love her + give her lots of referrals.

If she only looked at the immediate revenue generated, it might not make sense to continue doing the group program. But the moment we zoomed out to the bigger picture, the choice felt obvious.

To drive the point home, I shared what I'd learned from running two in-person events last year.

The first event was a gift and a way for me to say thank you to clients. It was free to attend. The goal was to bring together a group of intentional humans for a day of learning + connection.

But it cost me money.

There was the venue rental, catering the lunch, and coffee/snacks. Plus, I hired a professional photographer so everyone could also get new headshots. The event cost a couple thousand dollars to put on.

And while it was mostly clients in attendance...

I also invited a couple people who I knew would vibe with the crew that were not clients. One of them signed up to work with me after the event. Another person in attendance sent me a referral that became a client. It might have "cost me" up front, but the return far outweighed any money spent.

When I decided to do a second event, I made two tweaks:

  1. The guest list was an intentional mix of current clients, past clients, and awesome people in my orbit who shared similar energy + values.

  2. The event remained free for clients but there was a ticket price for others. While that helped cover some of the expenses, the event still cost me $1200 to put on.

The outcome?

I can directly connect $28K in revenue from clients + referrals to that second event.

It's easy to get caught up in looking at the immediate return from anything in your business. But what if you extended your time horizon, looked at the bigger picture, and allowed more people to experience your awesomeness in intimate settings? You're likely to not only make more revenue but positively impact more people.

See you next Saturday.


Btw - Want to be celebrating results like these, maybe it's time you got some fresh insights, strategies, + support?

At only $98/month, the Growth Habit Crew is the most accessible way to get my guidance. Enrollment closes Sunday May 12th at midnight.

If you're further ahead in your journey + want more intimate mentorship: There's currently one spot open in my Impact Accelerator.


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