Create BIG Things You're Proud Of (in record time)
Jun 19, 2024If you've got plans to write a book, launch a podcast, or create a new program that you're proud of, then this is for you.
Everything I'm going to share today can be used to help you produce and ship any large creative project in record time. Unfortunately, many people have incredible ideas that they never follow through on. But it's not a lack of ideas that's holding you back.
It's a lack of execution...
You don't know how to create intentional focus in a noisy world
You get stuck in writer's block and lose momentum
You don't create meaningful accountability and throw the towel in when you hit obstacles
I'm going to show you how you can overcome these challenges with simple approaches that anyone can do.
Let's get to it.
1. Create Immense Intentional Focus
The internet is magic.
It's likely how you and I became connected and it's allowed me to help over 300 people in 16 countries in the last few years. But its addictive sites and apps are also highly distracting. If you're not careful, your days will overflow without feeling like you got anything of substance done.
Do the modern equivalent of unplugging your wifi router
17 years ago, I overcommitted to two large creative projects in a short period of time. It was stupid. What was the answer? I unplugged my wifi router. With all the collaborative tools and shared drives today, that's no longer realistic.
These days, I use website blockers such as Blocksite, Cold Turkey, and Freedom to keep me off the time sucking parts of the net.
Turn off (almost) all notification
Do you really need to be notified of every message, like, or comment in real time? Those things don't expire. The danger of "oh I'll just check this thing quickly" is it turns into 20 minutes lost in a scroll-hole.
Constant interruptions are the enemy of deep creative work.
Check your inboxes less frequently
Instead, only check emails, messages, and DMs at set times. Most days I don't look at my phone until 10am and I only check my inboxes a handful of times a day.
No phone for the first hour and last hour
Do you have your cell phone within one or two arms reach for 24 hours day? Unfortunately most do. If the first thing you do in the morning is check your phone and the last thing you do at night is scroll on your device. Who's running your life? You or your phone?
Those times of day are critical for ideation and information processing.
Go nuclear and isolate yourself somewhere
We've covered digital distraction, but there's still things like family, dishes, laundry, and pets. Aka life. If you want to get an immense amount done in a short period of time, go on a creative retreat.
I locked myself up in a hotel for 7 days when I was writing my book, Die Before They Do. I wrote the bulk of the first draft that week.
2. Ditch Creator's Block
Do you believe you need inspiration to start creating? Motivation is due to action, not the other way around. Here's three simple approaches to get you moving so you can ditch writer's block and never end up feeling stuck again.
Commit to 200 crappy words
My daily writing ritual was committing to 200 crappy words when I was writing my book. Not 200 incredible words, not 200 brilliant words.... just 200 crappy words. It's an easy goal to commit to.
It was easy to get it done almost every day.
The 200 crappy words sometimes turned into 500, 1000, or 2000 words. Other days, even though the intention was to write crappy words, awesome words poured out instead. You can apply this idea to any creative pursuit: commit to taking 50 crappy pictures, to come up with 10 crappy posts ideas, or to make one 1 crappy drawing.
Apply the exam approach
What did we all learn to do you do when stuck on a test or exam? Skip to the next question. The same idea applies when you're struggling to start. Find the path of least resistance. That might mean beginning in the middle or writing the end first. Drop the notion that you have to work in a linear fashion.
Once you're in the groove, the goal is to use this approach to maintain your momentum, too.
Measure you progress and turn it into a game
When I was working on my book, I created this tracker with all the chapters I needed to write. I changed the colours of the boxes as I made progress. It felt like a game and it was fun.
What gets measured gets done.
3. Implement Meaningful Accountability
When you start creating immense focus and ditching writer's block, you're well on your way. Combine those with meaningful accountability and you'll be surprised with all your creative output. Why is this last piece important?
Willpower is for suckers.
It's way overrated. If you're serious about wanting to get the big things done, you're better off creating consequential accountability. Parkinson's Law says that work expands to fill the time allotted to it. Give yourself a deadline and enroll others to hold you accountable. When I set out to write Die Before They Do, I gave myself 45 days to write the first draft.
Then I created two forms of powerful accountability:
I hired a book coach and set deadlines with them.
I publicly asked my community + audience to hold me accountable to my goal.
Implementing meaningful accountability has made such a tremendous difference in both my life + business that I brought on my accountability coach to support the people in my Impact Accelerator program with me.
Now you can create way more kickass stuff in record time.
See you next Saturday.
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