3 Major Market Shifts

Are You Ready for These Changes? (And How to Get a 1:1 Call With Me)

Apr 20, 2024

If you're not paying attention, you could be left behind.

When I ran my first business in the 90s, I had to print flyers, send faxes overseas, and run magazine ads to get the word out about what we were doing. Things were drastically different. And since I started Growth Habit in 2019, I've watched the market shift several times.

Here's 3 recent changes I'm noticing that you need to be ready for.

1. Even the Lawyers + Accountants Have Started Doing It

In 1995, Bill Gates famously said: “There will be two types of businesses in the next 5 years, those that are on the Internet, and those that are out of business.” And I believe that we're at another one of those junctures. In a few years, there's going to be those who've created an intentional voice for themselves online, and those that essentially don't exist. 

It began with the bloggers & it blew up with Instagram.

But it's no longer just the people trying to be "influencers" that are embracing the incredible power of sharing a message on social platforms. We're way beyond that. Every week, more coaches, consultants, and experts, who simply want to be able to impact more people, are putting themselves out there.

And after dragging their feet for years...

Even folks in the conservative industries are starting to do content. Lawyers, accountants, and people in traditionally "stuffy" sectors are starting to publish their ideas as a way to connect with folks that they could potentially help.

If you're still holding back from sharing your ideas, message, and story online, I wouldn't wait much longer.

2. It's Becoming Harder to Build Trust

There's a lot of crap out there, people have been burned by big promises + shitty delivery, and now AI can make anything seem real. It's making folks more cautious than ever.

Here's a couple recent examples I've encountered...

a) Daniel came to the my Get More Clients workshop. He was engaged the entire time and shared that he found the session highly insightful. And out of pure coincidence. he knows my Chief of Staff (they previously worked together).

He was considering joining the Growth Habit Crew.

But he asked for a short call first. Once we were on Zoom together, he only had one question: "There's a lot of BS out there, are you the real deal?". He'd seen me in action, got value in a live workshop, and personally knows the right-hand in my business, but he still had pause.

Daniel not only ended up joining the community, a few weeks later he sent me this message:

b) Isabelle heard about me via a referral from another client whose messaging she admired. We had an awesome call. Not only did we click well, I was confident that I could help her get clarity on who she served, dial-in her message + offer, and start creating content that attracted clients.

But she was hesitant.

Even though she came in via a referral and my website is full of client results + testimonials, she asked if she could speak to a another client first. She liked what she heard + joined my program. A couple months later, I'm happy to share that she's signed 3 new coaching clients in the last 2 weeks.

What does this mean for you?

You need to lead with generosity, give people a taste of what it's like working with you, and get over your fear of showing proof that you're not only credible, but that your sh!t works. It's not "bragging", it's showing people what's possible.

3. Folks Want Flexible Formats

People are getting used to dictating their terms.

In a world where you can have anything imaginable delivered to your front door in 24 hours (or less) and you have the ability to watch whatever you want, whenever you want, on a magical pocket device, people are less interested in pricey programs with longer commitments.

They want flexibility.

I've had more people ask me for stand-alone strategy calls in the last few months than in the last five years combined. Previously, my answer was (almost) always no. I've preferred longer engagements as they allow for deeper work while increasing the size of results that can be achieved.

But I'm not here to fight massive market forces.

Plus, I recognize that for someone who's truly driven + self-aware, a deep dive call can be the perfect thing to give you the clarity + plan you need to start getting awesome results. So I'm experimenting with something I've never done previously: offering paid 60 minute strategy calls with me.

This is purely a test, there's only 3 sessions available.

Have you noticed any other market shifts that I missed ? Reply to this email to let me know. Otherwise, I'll see you next Saturday. :)


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