3 Quirky (But Practical) LinkedIn Tips

Nov 25, 2023

Today, I'm going to give you 3 practical tips to help you soar on LinkedIn.

I love LinkedIn.

People are on the platform with intention. And I've never been part of a more supportive online community. It's allowed me to meet incredible folks from all around the world and has been the primary place that I've connected with the 250+ peeps I've worked with in the last four years.

But LinkedIn is quirky as hell.

That's in part because it spent years being nothing more than an online resumé for most. Its also because of how old the platform is. You might not be surprised to learn that it's older than Instagram and Facebook, but did you know that LinkedIn is also older than Myspace?

Here's 3 practical LinkedIn tips to help you get your message in front of more folks so you can help more people.

1. Optimize Your Image + Video Size

Unlike Instagram, where the ideal image size is a square. Or YouTube shorts, TikToks, and IG Reels that are best formatted in the same horizontal size. LInkedIn has it's own unique optimal format.

1080 x 1350

It's the same for both your images + videos on the platform. Having them in this format not only looks the best, it'll take up the most room in the feed. It's double-plus good.


2. Export Documents as PDFs to Create Carousels

Want to make a nice image carousel that people can flip through?

You've got to create it in the oddest of ways: export all your images as a PDF, and then upload the PDF as a "document" in your post. LinkedIn will break up each page as a separate image in your carousel.


3. Skip the Description Section of Links in Your Featured Section 

If you haven't done so already, turn on Creator Mode.

This will put a highlight on your content, allow you to have a clickable link at the top of your profile, and prominently feature important items.

That can include featuring a previous post or an external link.

This gives you a second clickable place on your profile to send people to your freebie, call booking page, or website. Heck yes. But you have to keep the description section of links in your featured section blank.

Otherwise, you'll end up with a weird extra step that will stop many from landing on your awesome thing.

If you give your link a description, it will pop up when folks click on it instead of sending them straight to the link (so they can read the description). And it's not obvious from there that they'd have to click on it again to get to where they were originally trying to go.


BTW - I'm hosting a free workshop on Dec 6th to help you Enroll More Clients with Ease (and Without the Sleaze). You'll learn 3 ways to drastically improve your disco calls to start confidently enrolling more clients now, how to avoid ever needing to do "hard sales", plus loads more. Sign up here.

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